Our App

GoodHeart App is a restorative digital retreat featuring on-demand access to hundreds of field-experienced mentor-led written, audio, and video sessions addressing commonly found challenges shared by our members, an opportunity to increase supportive connections digitally and IRL with like-minded leaders in their field through our forum and shared events calendar, guided journal prompts for daily gratitude building, and daily interactive mindfulness moments to build emotional resilience and promote overall wellness to tackle the day strong, all in a positive and uplifting digital environment.


App Features


A List of Events Our Members are Attending either Virtually or In-Person

Highlights of Members and Leaders Stories and Work

Ask For or Give Advice to Other Members Through the Safe and Positive Community Forum


Receive Tips and Encouragement Through Our Daily Pep Talks, Mindful Moments, and Professional Pointers

Send and Receive Shout Outs From Other Members to Showcase the Amazing Work You Do and Person You Are


On-Demand Access to Mentor-Led Advice and Sessions to Help You Breakthrough Burnout, Grow Professionally, and Live a Well-Balanced Lifestyle


Daily Gratitude Journal

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Psychological, Emotional, Physical, Relational, and Professional Focus Areas to Help Build Resilience